
iVFlattened Blogger Template

About iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template

iVFlattened premium blogger template is a simple and minimalistic premium blogger template. The iVFlattened Blogger template is an highly responsive and friendly blogger template designed to comply with modern SEO techiques such that Google, Bing and other popular search engines may rank your blog high when iVFlattened blogger template is in use.

iVFlattened blogger template is super fast, mobile friendly and optimized for both Google AdSense and search engines so that you can make more money from AdSense and also gain more traffic to your blogger blog while using iVFlattened premium blogger template.

Additionally, iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template is one of the best blogger templates that can be used to get Google AdSense approval at one try - thanks to its clean and minimalistic design.

How to Install iVFlattened Blogger Template

Because Blogger is an extremely simple and beginner-friendly platform, to installing Blogger template on your website hosted with Blogger is equally simple and takes very little time to complete.

To install Blogger template on Blogger website or blog, you have two options namely;

  1. Clean Template Installation
  2. Rough Template Installation

Clean Template Installation

This is the installation method recommended for when you are installing an entirely different template on your Blogger website or blog. E.g when installing iVMega Premium Blogger template on a blog that has iVFlattened Blogger template installed already.

Rough Template Installation

Rough template installation is used when you are simply upgrading your blogger website template. E.g when attempting to install iVFlattened Blogger template v1.2.3 on a Blogger website that already has iVFlattened Blogger template v1.2.0 installed on it.

In any case, here is a detailed illustrated guide on how to install Blogger template on Blogger website or blog.

Upload your Logo

Blog Logo - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

In the iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template, you can optionally display both your website logo and name elegantly.

Your website logo is the image that appears next to your website name. Uploading the logo adds more beauty to your Blogger website and further enhances it.

Blog Logo Version:

  • Blog Logo v1: Simplified Version

Here is an illustrated guide detailing how to upload your website or blog logo on Blogger website that is running on iVFlattened Blogger Template.

Setting Up your Main Navigation Menu

Main Navigation Menu - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

The primary or Main Navigation Menu allows both your blog readers, visitors and search engine spiders to easily browse and navigate your blog.

As a result, the Main Navigation Menu should contain all the important links you want your blog visitors and search engine spiders see.

Main Menu Version:

  • Main Navigation Menu v1: Simplified Vertical Style

Click the button below for the illustrated instructions on how to setup your Blogger website or blog Main Navigation Menu

setup guides

Setting Up your Static Pages Main Navigation Menu

Static Page Main Navigation Menu - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

For improved customization and flexibility, we made iVFlattened Premium blogger template in such a way that a slightly different and separate Navigation Menu is displayed when your blog's Static pages are being viewed.

So, instead of the primary or Main Navigation Menu for all other pages, the static pages specific navigation menu is displayed.

Static Page Main Menu Version:

  • Static Page Navigation Menu v1: Simplified Vertical Styl

For instructions on how to setup your Blogger website static page navigation menu, click the button below:

click here

Setup your Social Follow Buttons

Social Follow Buttons - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

Using the Social Buttons, you can point your blog readers to your social media channels such as Facebook Page, Twitter Page, YouTube, Instagram, Telegram etc.

For maximum exposure, we secure a place for your social buttons right below the Navigation Menu on all pages including static pages.

Follow Buttons Version:

  • Social Follow Buttons v1: Simplified

Here is the instructions for setting up your social follow buttons on your Blogger website or blog that is running on iVFlattened Blogger Template.

Modify your Secondary Menu Links

Secondary Navigation Menu - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

The secondary menu links, as the name implies; only complements the Main Navigation Menu.

You should modify it to suit your taste.

Secondary Menu Version:

  • Secondary Navigation Menu v1: Compact

To do that, follow the instructions laid out here

Setting Up your Featured Posts Feed

Feature Posts - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

By default, the featured articles section displays your blog's most recent posts but you can change that per your needs.

Featured Posts Version:

  • Featured Posts v1: Hybrid

By following the simple step by step instructions here, you can setup your Blogger website Featured Posts in less than two minutes.

Activating SideBar Random Ads on your Blogger Website

Sidebar Random Ads - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

The Sidebar Random Ads is a 300px by 250px ads space that allows you display both image (banner) and text ads on your Blogger website sidebar.

These adverts are randomly displayed on every page-load. Thus, when banner 1 is being displayed now, refresh the page and the banner 2 or banner 3 would be displayed.

In this ads space, you can have as many adverts (including Google AdSense, affiliate banners and links) as you want.

SideBar Random Ads Version:

  • SideBar Random Ads v1

The tutorial linked below illustrates how to setup and activate SideBar Random Ads on your Blogger blog.

setup instructions

Setup SideBar Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Ads - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

The Sidebar Dynamic Ads is a 300px by 250px ads space that allows you display both image (banner) and text ads on your Blogger website sidebar similar to the sidebar random ads.

These adverts are auto-rotated on your sidebar and moves with users's page-scroll (except on mobile views). Thus, it sticks to your Blogger website or blog sidebar.

In this ads space, you can have as many adverts (including Google AdSense, affiliate banners and links) as you want.

SideBar Dynamic Ads Version:

  • Sidebar Dynamic Ads: v1

Clicking the button below takes you to the page that illustrates how to setup Dynamic Ads on your Blogger website or blog.

Dynamic Ads Setup Guides

Setup and Activate Ads Below Post Title

Ads Below Post Title - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

The Ads Below Post Title AdsSpace is a spot below your blog posts title and just before your posts content.

Within this space, you can contain all kinds of ads and of any sizes. Any content put within that space is center-aligned - this is done to ensure that such content grabs maximum attention.

Ads Below Posts Title Version:

  • Ads Below Posts Title: v1

The button below links to the page that illustrates how to setup activate Ads Below Posts Title on your Blogger website or blog running on iVFlattened Blogger Template.

Click here

Setting Up Ads Below Blog Posts Pager

Ads below blog pager - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

The Ads Below Blog Pager AdsSpace is a spot below your blog posts content and just before your blog posts comments section.

At this spot, in iVFlattened Blogger Template, we make available two spaces for adverts.

Within these spaces, you can contain all kinds of ads of 300px by 250px resolution (size). Any content put within that space is center-aligned - this is done to ensure that such content grabs maximum attention.

Ads Below Blog Posts Pager Version: v1

  • Ads Below Blog Posts Pager: v1

Here is where we describe how to setup and activate ads below blog pager on Blogger website or blog running on iVFlattened Blogger Template.

Setting Up and Activating Main Ads Banner

Main ads Banner, homepage - iVFlattened Premium Blogger Template Installation and Setup Guide

After installing the iVFlattened Blogger Template on your Blogger blog, you may now setup or modify the iVFlattened Blogger template's Main ads banner.

The main ads banner is displayed on homepage and index pages (i.e archive, search and label pages)

The main ads banner widget can contain and display all kinds of adverts including text, video and image ads both from Google AdSense and the ones created by yourself.

Main Ads Banner Version:

  • Main Ads Banner v1: fancy

For instructions on setting up and activating the main ads banner, click the button below:

click here

Questions and Answers:

Using the best methods known to us and in the simplest vocabularies we know of, we have presented these step by step tutorials. However, if there are some features you could not get to work or others you want us help you at, simply contact us from here so that we may provide answers to your every questions or assist you further.

Thank you for being such a wonderful customer!


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