
Templates' Ads Below Post Title

Ads Below Post Title Setup Guides

The Ads Below Post Title AdsSpace is a spot below your blog posts title and just before your posts content.

Within this space, you can contain all kinds of ads and of any sizes. Any content put within that space is center-aligned - this is done to ensure that such content grabs maximum attention.

In this ads space, you can have as many adverts (including Google AdSense, affiliate banners and links) as you want.

On this single page, we would be containing the setup instructions for our Blogger templates Ads Below Post Title widget.

Setting Up the Ads Below Post Title: v1

Ads Below Post Title

The Ads Below Post Title widget is included in most of our blogger templates and it is designed and positioned in such a way that it'll help boost your blog earning potentials.

How to Modify your Blog Ads Below Post Title on Templates Using the Ads Below Post Title (From Text Editor: NotePad++, Sublime etc)

Option 1: to use Google AdSense in the Ads Below Post Title Space

  1. Obtain the AdsCode snippets for the Ads unit you want displayed on that space from your Google AdSense account.

    Ads Below Post Title - Option 1, Step 1
  2. From your text editor where you already have the template.xml file opened, search for:

  3. <!-- Ads Below Post Title-1 -->
  4. Just below it, locate the line of codes highlighted in the image below.

    Ads Below Post Title - Option 1, Step 2
  5. Now, paste the Google AdSense AdsCode snippets you copied from step 1 here so that it replaces the line of codes highlighted in the image above.

  6. Click SAVE to effect the changes made.

  7. Finally, you may now upload the modified template.xml file on your Blogger blog. Don't know how? Learn how to upload a template on Blogger blog from here

Option 2: to use images of your own as Ads in the Ads Below Post Title Space

  1. From your text editor where you already have the template.xml file opened, search for:

  2. <!-- Ads Below Post Title-1 -->
  3. Just below it, locate the line of codes highlighted in the image below.

    Ads Below Post Title - Option 2, Step 2
  4. Now, go to Posts and click the plus icon as seen in the image below. Clicking that will open a new post editor.

    Ads Below Post Title - Option 2, Step 3
  5. Next, click the image upload icon as seen in the image below. Clicking that will pop out an upload wizard that allows you upload an image on blogger.

    Ads Below Post Title - Option 2, Step 4
  6. Using the upload wizard above, upload the image you want to use for the banner ads and copy the image link as seen from the image below.

    Ads Below Post Title - Option 2, Step 5
  7. Now, go back to the text editor and replace the Banner image url you earlier copied from above with the existing banner image url.

    Ads Below Post Title - Option 2, Step 6
  8. Again, replace link (url) seen in the image below with the link (url) you want your image banner point or linked to.

    Ads Below Post Title - Option 2, Step 7
  9. Repeat the same procedures with all the banner ads you want displayed there.

  10. Click SAVE to effect the changes made.

  11. Finally, you may now upload the modified template.xml file on your Blogger blog. Don't know how? Learn how to upload a template on Blogger blog from here

How to Modify your Blog Ads Below Post Title on Templates Using the Ads Below Post Title (From Web Browsers on

Option 1: to use Google AdSense in the Ads Below Post Title Space

  1. I assume you are already logged into your blogger blog.

  2. Click Theme from the blogger main menu (to your left).

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 2
  3. From the page that opens, click the radio button that has an icon pointing downward in it and then click Edit HTML. After a few seconds or minutes, depending on your device speed and your internet connection, a page should be displayed revealing a whole lots of codes.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 3
  4. Now, click anywhere inside that whole lots of codes and press CTRL + F. This will pop out a search widget that allows you search within the source codes content only.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 4
  5. Now, just copy and paste the line of code below onto the search widget seen in the image above then, press Enter:

  6. <!-- Ads Below Post Title-1 -->
  7. Now, obtain the AdsCode snippets for the Ads unit you want displayed on that space from your Google AdSense account.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 6
  8. Just below it, locate the line of codes highlighted in the image below.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 7
  9. Now, paste the Google AdSense AdsCode snippets you copied from step 6 here so that it replaces the line of codes highlighted in the image above.

  10. Click SAVE to effect the changes made.

Option 2: to use images of your own as Ads in the Ads Below Post Title Space

  1. I assume you are already logged into your blogger blog.

  2. Click Theme from the blogger main menu (to your left).

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 2
  3. From the page that opens, click the radio button that has an icon pointing downward in it and then click Edit HTML. After a few seconds or minutes, depending on your device speed and your internet connection, a page should be displayed revealing a whole lots of codes.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 3
  4. Now, click anywhere inside that whole lots of codes and press CTRL + F. This will pop out a search widget that allows you search within the source codes content only.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 4
  5. Now, just copy and paste the line of code below onto the search widget seen in the image above then, press Enter:

  6. <!-- Ads Below Post Title-1 -->
  7. Just below it, locate the line of codes highlighted in the image below.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 6
  8. Now, go to Posts and click the plus icon as seen in the image below. Clicking that will open a new post editor.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 7
  9. Next, click the image upload icon as seen in the image below. Clicking that will pop out an upload wizard that allows you upload an image on blogger.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 8
  10. Using the upload wizard above, upload the image you want to use for the banner ads and copy the image link as seen from the image below.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 9
  11. Now, go back to the text editor and replace the Banner image url you earlier copied from above with the existing banner image url.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 10
  12. Again, replace link (url) seen in the image below with the link (url) you want your image banner point or linked to.

    Ads Below Post Title - Method 2 - Option 1, Step 11
  13. Repeat the same procedures with all the banner ads you want displayed there.

  14. Click SAVE to effect the changes made.


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